SVG Table Type Reference
This page provides a comprehensive reference for all the types used in the SVG Table library. Click on a type name to jump to its description.
Table of Contents
- Widths
- ColorsOnWidth
- PatternArrays
- PatternShape
- PatternShapes
- BorderStyles
- TextHAlign
- TextVAlign
- TextStyle
- CellStyle
- ContentProps
- ContentAsFunc
- TableInCellProps
- CellProps
- CellPropsAsObj
- CalculatedCellProps
- RowStyle
- RowProps
- RowPropsAsObj
- CalculatedRowProps
- TableStyle
- TableProps
- WidthPos
Type Definitions
type Widths = | [number, number] /** top/bottom, left/right */ | [number, number, number, number] /** top, right, bottom, left */ | number; /** top/bottom/left/right */
Represents widths for various elements, allowing for uniform or individual side specification.
type ColorsOnWidth = | [string, string] // [top/bottom, left/right] | [string, string, string, string] // [top, right, bottom, left] | string; // single value
Defines colors for borders, allowing for single, dual, or quad color specifications.
type PatternArrays = | [number[], number[]] // [top/bottom, left/right] | [number[], number[], number[], number[]] // [top, right, bottom, left] | number[] // single pattern | undefined; // no pattern
Specifies dash patterns for borders, supporting various configurations for different sides.
Specifies the shape of the stroke caps for dashed borders.
type PatternShapes = | [PatternShape, PatternShape] // [top/bottom, left/right] | [PatternShape, PatternShape, PatternShape, PatternShape] // [top, right, bottom, left] | PatternShape; // single shape
Defines stroke cap shapes for borders, with configurations for different sides.
type BorderStyles = { borderWidths: Widths; borderColors: ColorsOnWidth; borderPatterns: PatternArrays; borderShapes: PatternShapes; };
Combines all border style properties into a single type.
type TextHAlign = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
Horizontal alignment options for text.
type TextVAlign = 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
Vertical alignment options for text.
type TextStyle = SVGAttributes<SVGTextElement>;
Style properties for SVG text elements.
type CellStyle = { bgColor?: string; paddings: Widths; textColor: string; allowOverflow: boolean; textStyle?: TextStyle; beforeTextStyle?: TextStyle; afterTextStyle?: TextStyle; cx?: number; cy?: number; svgStyle?: HTMLAttributes<SVGSVGElement>['style']; } & Partial<BorderStyles>;
Style properties for table cells, including background color, padding, and text styling.
type ContentProps = { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; textColor: string; textStyle: TextStyle; };
- ContentAsFunc
- TableInCellProps
type CellProps = | { style?: Partial<CellStyle>; content: ReactNode | ContentAsFunc | TableInCellProps; before?: ReactNode | ContentAsFunc; after?: ReactNode | ContentAsFunc; colSpan?: number; rowSpan?: number; className?: string; } | string;
Properties for defining a cell within a table, including content and optional styling.
- CellPropsAsObj
type CalculatedCellProps = | (CellPropsAsObj & { _ignored: false; _heightAdjust: boolean; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; }) | { _ignored: true; };
Extended cell properties including calculated dimensions and positioning.
type RowStyle = { height: number; bgColor?: string; };
Style properties for table rows, including height and optional background color.
Properties for defining a row within a table, including cells and optional styling.
- RowPropsAsObj
type CalculatedRowProps = Omit<RowPropsAsObj, 'cells'> & { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; cells: CalculatedCellProps[]; };
Extended row properties including calculated dimensions and positioning.
type TableStyle = { margins: Widths; bgColor?: string; colGaps: number; rowGaps: number; svgStyle: HTMLAttributes<SVGSVGElement>['style']; } & Partial<BorderStyles>;
Style properties for the table, including margins, gaps, and optional background color.
type TableProps = { className?: string; defs?: ReactNode; standalone?: boolean; svgAttrs?: SVGAttributes<SVGSVGElement>; width: number; height?: number; columnWidths?: number[]; rowHeights?: number[]; defaultCellStyle?: Partial<CellStyle>; defaultRowStyle?: Partial<RowStyle>; rows: RowProps[]; style?: Partial<TableStyle>; };
Properties for defining a table, including dimensions, rows, and optional styling.
type WidthPos = 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom';
Represents the position of a width value, used for specifying which side of an element a particular width applies to.