SVG Table Type Reference(Solid.js)

This page provides a comprehensive reference for all the types used in the SVG Table library for Solid. Click on a type name to jump to its description.

Table of Contents

Type Definitions

  • ElementType
    type ElementType = Node;

    Represents the basic element type used in the SVG Table library for Solid.

  • TableProps
    type TableProps = TablePropsBase<ElementType>;

    Properties for defining a table, including dimensions, rows, and optional styling.

  • RowProps
    type RowProps = TableProps['rows'][number];

    Properties for defining a row within a table, including cells and optional styling.

  • RowPropsAsObj
    type RowPropsAsObj = Exclude<RowProps, (CellProps | string)[]>;
  • RowPropsWithoutCells
    type RowPropsWithoutCells = Omit<RowPropsAsObj, 'cells'>;
  • RowPropsWithChildren
    type RowPropsWithChildren = RowPropsWithoutCells & { children: JSX.Element; };
  • CellProps
    type CellProps = RowPropsAsObj['cells'][number];

    Properties for defining a cell within a table, including content and optional styling.

  • CellPropsAsObj
    type CellPropsAsObj = Exclude<CellProps, string>;
  • CellPropsWithoutContent
    type CellPropsWithoutContent = Omit<CellPropsAsObj, 'content'>;
  • CellPropsWithChildren
    type CellPropsWithChildren = CellPropsWithoutContent & { children: JSX.Element; };
  • CellStyle
    type CellStyle = Exclude<CellPropsAsObj['style'], undefined>;
  • ContentProps
    type ContentProps = CellPropsAsObj['content'];
  • TableInCellProps
    type TableInCellProps = TableInCellPropsBase<ElementType>;
  • RetFromContentFunc
    type RetFromContentFunc = ContentAsFuncRetTypes<ElementType>;
  • ContentAsFunc
    type ContentAsFunc = ContentAsFuncBase<ElementType, RetFromContentFunc>;
  • TablePropsWithoutRows
    type TablePropsWithoutRows = Omit<TableProps, 'rows'>;
  • TablePropsWithChildren
    type TablePropsWithChildren = TablePropsWithoutRows & { children: JSX.Element; };
  • SVGRenderElement
    type SVGRenderElement = SVGRenderElementBase<SVGElement>;